Popular Web Hosting Services and Their Benefits
We can see lots and lots of web companies with their variety of hosting plans competing for your business. By seeing this, things will get a bit confused. Isn't it? Don't worry. This article will help you to get an idea of common web hosting services and their benefits.
It's a fact that your hosting needs increase with the growth of your online business. A lot of free and inexpensive web hosting plans are available near you. It may look fine at the beginning but later on, you may feel sluggish that results in looking at beefing up your web server.
It's not a matter if you are about to start an online business or planning to take your online business to next level, the first thing you need to do is to know about web hosting services in detail and then plan which service suits your online business the best.
Now, let's get started.
Shared web hosting
In shared hosting, your website is hosted on a server that is shared by other websites. One of the main advantages of this type of hosting is the shared cost. It's really affordable as you only need to pay a little for sharing a super server. If you are the most popular site on the server, then it's really beneficial to use a super server for a very low price.
If you are new to an online business, you can start with a shared hosting plan to minimize costs. Shared hosting is good for a newer site that get a lot of traffic flow.
Reseller Web hosting
Reseller web hosting is actually a shared web hosting where the shared hosting account is packed with extra tools that help you resell your hosting space.
Reseller packages include greater technical control and billing software that help you invoice your clients. It also comes with an added advantage of free website templates, white label technical support (your clients tech support issue will be handled by the hosting company), and private name servers.
Depending upon the features and resource limits, the price range of reseller hosting may vary. If you are planning business on selling web hosting, then reseller hosting is the best option. In case if you are just starting out, then stick on with a shared hosting plan.
Email hosting
Email hosting is a service that allows you to send, receive, and store emails on a server provided by a company. It also holds additional functionality like folder creation, file transfers, and template usage.
One of the most attractive and beneficial qualities of email hosting is that it provides an option to set your address up at your website's domain. This aids you in more control over the data and is more reliable than other available platforms.
Other benefits include;
+ scalable and can grow with your site
+ Increase the security of your inbox
+ Provides more uptime
+ Helps to integrate email solutions with other tools
Dedicated web server
A dedicated server means you are renting one physical server from a hosting company. If you want, you can have full control over it. With a dedicated server, you don't need to bother about other websites on a shared server using your resources and slowing your website.
Dedicated servers are boss level servers that you need to opt in you are greeting a heavy flow on to your website. The cost of dedicated servers are much higher than that of others but your business will be at a point that can easily afford the necessary costs of having your own server.
Cloud-based web hosting
This is a new technology that runs hundreds of individual servers to form a single giant server. As the need grows, the hosting company can add more commodity hardware to form a massive grid or cloud.
The main advantage of cloud-based hosting is that it can handle huge traffic and the web hosting plan can accommodate the surge of traffic. If it seems that your website is growing and driving more traffic to your website, then the first thing you need to do is to upgrade from shared hosting to cloud-based hosting.
Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Acting like several separate servers, virtual private servers share a single server. It is a stepping stone between shared hosting and getting your own dedicated machine. Even though each VPS instance shares hardware resources, they are allocated a dedicated slice of the computing resources.
Managed WordPress hosting
Day by day, as a web-building platform, WordPress is getting more popular. Most of the web hosting servers offer 'managed WordPress hosting'.
It is actually a service where the web hosting provider will keep your WordPress installation up-to-date that helps you protect your site from the security threats that would allow hackers into your website.
Managed WordPress hosting is not as inexpensive as shared hosting but it's a great choice for start-up businesses and established businesses that use the WordPress platform.
Final Words
The hosting services that we have discussed so far are the popular ones and it's up to you to choose the best for your business. If you are looking for a top web hosting service provider, it is better to analyze the hosting provider first, that you would surely not compromise the performance of your website which is directly related to the business growth.
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